The following cyclists have been confirmed for the 2019 TdG...
A Total of 84 participants are currently registered.

The following cyclists have been confirmed for the 2019 TdG...
A Total of 84 participants are currently registered.
Jim Allan
Doug Arenberg - DNS
Terry Barnes
Wael Berjaoui
Duane Berkompas
David Bevins (R)
Jason Biehl - Volunteer
Eric Bouwens (R) - DNS
Bill Brennan
Lisa Brennan
Jena Brummans
Fred Bunn - DNS
Eric Chase
Joe Connell
Kevin Cusack
Tim Daum - DNS
Peter DeBoer - DNS
Mitch DeJonge
Matthew Dennenberg - Volunteer
Dan Dubes (R)
Jason Frost
Joe Fulsher
Dave Furey
Jan Garfinkle
Dan Gauthier
Emily Gerlach - Photography
Bill Goodspeed
Flip Goodspeed
Rick Hackbarth
Tommy Hahn (R)
Jennifer Hales (R)
Justin Hales
Richard Haslinger (R)
Marcus Haw (R) - DNS
April Hirdes
Greg Hofmann - DNS
Mark Holcomb
Josh Hoover
Laura Hughes (R)
Robert Hughes
Bill Jewell
Mike Judd (R)
Jonathon Kirbitz (R)
Mark Kline (R)
David Kuilema (R)
Renee Lee (R)
Richard Lewis (R)
Peter Lundeen
Sheila Marcus
Tim Mervak
David Miller
Sarah Nava
Stefen Nava
Greg Neagos
Craig North
Mike O’Donnell
Craig Rawlings
Tom Roe
Kyle Rosteck (R)
Tara Rosteck (R)
James Samuelson - Photography
Jeanine Samuelson - Photography
Walter Schmid
Hayden Scott (R)
Steve Scott (R)
Steve Smith
Connie Standiford
Ted Standiford
Phillip Stawski (R)
Rachel Stawski (R)
Rusty Trapp (R)
Wife Trapp (R)
Andrew VanOtteren - DNS
Bruce VanOtteren (R)
Kate VanOtteren (R)
Glenn VanOtteren
Marc VanOtteren
Brian VanZweden
John Weidenfeller
Mark Weidner (R)
Ben Whitehead
Nick Wierzba
Penny Wilton (R) - Volunteer
Paul Winston (R)
We are awaiting the confirmation of others...
“R” = Rookie participant
“DNS” = Did Not Start